Saturday 4 February 2017

signs for you to know your living your purpose

Image result for how to know your purpose of livingWhen you don't follow your calling and you are not maximizing your potential, you feel that you are missing out on something BIG. Being stuck in this place affects your happiness, your health, your relationships and it can be very painful. However, when you are true to yourself and living your purpose, life takes on a whole new meaning, you feel fulfilled, happy and free.
Here are 20 signs that you are living your purpose:
1. You no longer have that nagging feeling that a big piece is missing in your life. You have found what makes you whole.
2. You have gone from being stuck to knowing that you are on a meaningful path that gives you true fulfillment.
3. Work brings joy instead of sucking energy out of your life.
4. You stopped doubting yourself. You feel confident and good about your choices.
5. Uncertainty, insecurity and worry are old patterns. You feel purposeful and know that the world needs you to be your best.
6. Instead of seeking clients, they are seeking you. Your business and income are flowing.
7. You no longer feel like you're hiding part of who you are. You are authentic and true to your soul.
8. You are patient with yourself and your family because you are OK being certain with the uncertain. You trust that the next step will be given to you.
9. You've stopped looking for approval from those around you. You have found your voice, courage and confidence.
10. You feel comfortable selling your products or services because you know that people need you.
11. You stopped playing small and feel vibrant and alive. You have tapped into the knowing that you have so much to give.
12. You have become fearless. Your fears are now your best friends and they always point you toward the next step.
13. Frustration from not meeting your potential has vanished. You know you are meant to do great things and have so much love to share.
14. Change is no longer a fear. You have seen that change is what allows you to create a lifestyle that you love.
15. You invest in yourself and your business and the more you do so, the more others invest in your services.
16. You stopped struggling. You live your life passionately both personally and professionally.
17. You no longer feel like you are selling your soul for a paycheck. Your income and your purpose are in alignment.
18. The fear of what others might think of you has been replaced by the belief that people need your gifts and talents.
19. You finally stopped putting your life on hold and know you are living your destiny.
20. You have come to know that happiness is not only your right, but part of your life's purpose.
If you feel like you're not living your purpose and are eager to how to change that, set up a complimentary clarity session. I'd love to see you shine.
The world needs you to show up being free, happy and fulfilled!

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